The CareBright Community is a pilot demonstrator. We strive to motivate communities, enterprises, organisations and government with a view to enhancing the lives of people who are living with dementia in a household environment, where living in their own home is no longer an option. We are leading innovation as it is the first model of this kind in Ireland.
With over 30 people diagnosed with dementia every day our model of care is needed to be replicated across the country. As a not for profit social economy business fundraising is an important part of the business as it allows us to raise awareness and give support to families. We can’t change the diagnosis but with your help we can change the journey.
Hold an event, take part in one of our events or fundraise for us at the event of your choice! We welcome all donations no matter how big or small.

Recent fundraising events

Art Exhibit
Along the Western shore – Art Exhibition 27th May 2022 by renowned artist Andy McCarthy in aid of CareBright Community. Official opening by Bill Whelan. CareBright would like to thank Andy for her generosity. The night was a HUGE success with almost all pieces sold on the night. Thank you Andy and to all that attended on the night.
CD Launch
We recorded our wonderful songs for World Alzheimers Day 21st September 2022. Our place in the choir is performed by our members of our social day club and our community members as well as friends of CareBright. Our evening of song is about participation and sense of achievement for the group involved. CD’s are available to purchase in the Yarn Café €15 each. All proceeds are going towards the Yarn Social Day Club. Your support would be greatly appreciated.